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  1. #1

    Bindegewebsmassage... who knows and uses it?

    dear colleagues,

    I am in the process of writing about bindegewebsmassage(connective tissue massage). The old German method (mrs E. Dicke, mrs dr Teirich-Leube).
    1. do you know the method and/or have you seen a demonstration?
    2. if so, where were you educated, was it part of the normal curriculum to become a physiotherapist?
    3. was it a post graduate course?
    4. which books were used?
    5. any scientific literature you know of?
    6. what is educational background of the teachers of this method?
    7. which country do you live and work in?
    8. can you give me names( email addresses) of people you know using it?
    9. do massage therapists in your country use it ... and you do not because massage in not a part of your physiotherapy/physical therapy education?
    10. do you know about the meridian therapie according to C. Heidemann?

    I hope to get many ansers to these questions and hope to recieve a lot of information.
    Thank you very much in advance....

    Esther de Ru

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    Re: Bindegewebsmassage... who knows and uses it?

    If you can "Google" in german there seem to be a few references and websites of massage /physio private practices that use the technique in Switzerland and Germany. It wasn't in the GB physio training years ago although courses were offered in the north of England then on Connective Tissue massage.

  3. #3

    Re: Bindegewebsmassage... who knows and uses it?

    thanks Judith,

    Is BGM considered a normal physio´s technique in Switserland?
    To be able to get as good idea as possible I would appreciate it very much it you could please answer the questions I posted.

    I hope a lot of other do the same.
    I read German and have been collecting as many (recent) articles as I can ( the last year or so). Not only through Google but also PubMed, Pedro, the works....
    I have over 40 so far, some in German, most in English, even one in Spanish.

    I am currently in contact with mrs Holey, author of a number of articles about connective tissue massage in England. She is probably the one that organised courses in Great Brittain.

    I hope to hear more from you and thank you for responding.


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