Hi All,
Had this occur with a patient recently and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts...
Was demonstrating a TENS unit for pain in cervical and lumbar regions (mod - severe osteopenia + DDD throughout spine with pronounced thoracic kyphosis) - demonstration was at the lower cervical spine, single channel only. Ran through the usual with the client, had them adjust the intensity to their preference (which ended up being relatively low - about 2 on the dial) and kept it going for about 5 minutes before the client reported feeling "heavy headed". Turned the TENS off, removed electrodes, "heavy-headnesses" persisted along with "increased clicking in the Csp on Rotn R)", nausea, and legs felt "wobbly" when attempting to stand (no LOB). Started to resolve after about 10-15 minutes.
Client is convinced it was the TENS unit but I've never come across symptoms like it before when using TENS. Just wondering if anyone has come across something similar or if can suggest why TENS might produce these symptoms?
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