Hi there, I am a physio who has qualified through the two year course - MSc. Rehab Science run at Glasgow Caledonia University.
My question is: what is the objective of this poll and what are the measures by which you are going to assess the relative merits of the courses that you are talking about?
There has been much talk about this in the UK and at times the nature of the discussion has not reflected well on the profession as a whole. The discussion seems to polarise around who's better than who.
In any degree course there are requirements that must met before you are accepted and there is no easy way on to the course which I undertook.
Surely the real concern of the profession as a whole is the competency of all graduates whether they do a conventional undergrad course or a post grad 2 year course? Asking such a simple question will inevitably lead to a "simple" outcome that has no scientific validity and potentially this may influence the opinions of many physiotherapists whith whom these people have to work with on a daily basis.
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