I have excellent resources for the written exam, with a collection of about 5 years’ worth of past exam questions for you to practice. Numerous guidelines and tips. Also – have some clinical exam support material available. Get in touch if you would like access to them LJR,
Hi I am preparing for APC March 2017 written exam. could u please send me exam material with past papers? my email ID is jasmeet.physio@gmail.com any help would be much appreciated thanks jasmeet
Hi there, Could you also send me the past exam materials? I am preparing for September 2017 written exam. My email ad: rap.abano@gmail.com Thanks so much! rappy
Hello, I too am sitting for September 2017 written exam. kindly send me the study materail too. have sent you an email Thanks Afshan
hello! i am starting to process my papers to work in australia this year how's the written and clinical exam? i really want to study and work on it and be ready because it's a bit expensive how do they conduct the clincal part? thankyou so much
also please send me a copy of the past exam and also some ideas on how will i do well in my future exam thankyou q.valerio@yahoo.com
Hi, LJR! I'm a physiotherapist from Brazil and I've already got my interim certificate, which means that I'm ready to take the next step: the written exam. I would be very grateful if you could send me any material related to the past exams. My e-mail address is: adriana.alves.pilates@gmail.com Many thanks
Hi there, I m a PT from Romania, and I m preparing for obtaining the Physiotherapist recognition, which all of us know that is hard. I tried with Detailed Assessment but that didn t worked for me even if I have both bachelor and master degree in Faculty of Medicine, due to my 3 years bachelor degree not for as it is in Au. If you are kind enough I would be more then interested in all that materials of recognition exam! My email address is : mirel20lascar@gmail.com Thank a lot in advance!
Hi I am a Physiotherapist from India and i am preparing for the APC written exam. Could you please help me in the process of preparation for the exam by sharing the papers which you gathered with great effort. Thank you for your Help. my Email address is : namrata.limbad@gmail.com
Hello, I am Shweta , I am from India and i am also preparing for the physiotherapy exam in Australia. If anyone has any previous material of exam then please email me, that would be of great help. Thanks in advance. Email: loginshwetaj@gmail.com