Part 5 is quite extensive in that the application requires large elements of reflective practice. Signed CPD, Copies of in house training (Signed). Copies of Undergraduate study. Transcripts, Clinical placement transcripts and many other forms of evidence that comply with their requirements. I opened this group as I've been over whelmed by the amount of information that you read. i started thinking i need to simplify this process as much as i can.i found my self doing a little then when returning i was getting lost and confused. I found it helpful drawing a spider diagram of parts 1 - 9 and obviously reading requirements for each part. each element especially part 5 consists of lots of competencies, again drawing a spider diagram with examples of what pieces of information can be attached to each competency (within part 5). this has helped me gather together little pieces of information, you can tick them off as you go along, it also has helped in reminding me of what i need to attach or what i could possibly attach as evidence. It ensures i am completing each section at a time as apposed jumping around within the application. Just a little food for thought as i have read many times people struggle, get lost, don't know what to put in as evidence. Hopefully people that join this group will help others, leave examples of completing sections.
Hi .. I am preparing my profile for NZ registration application as long does the it take for the enitre process, if u have a clue about it.