Can anybody give any imput? Specially in regards to possible treatment techniques?
pain started 1 year ago, increased dramatically last 6 weeks
sharp radiating groin pain down medial thigh, to mid medial calf, pins and needles at calf.
aggrevated: standing up from sit, standing on it and rotating on that leg, bringing leg back into neutral position after sliding heel to bum, any excentric work of quadriceps for example after stork test, Faber test (Flex, Ab, LR), LR in neutral, the pain is normaly sharp and sudden and then goes within seconds completely away without lingering.
However on one occasion when it was aggrevated after a lot of movement it made med. thigh feel numb for a whole day, also the leg appeared to be swollen (?!)

easing: IR, Ad, holding leg when putting it down (easing excentric work on quadriceps and abdominals?)
, female, 27, three children, last one two years ago with breach birth, works at home. She has been told her uterus is pushed to one side (doesn't know which one)
one year ago she fell down some stairs and bounced with her bum from step to step. afterwards Coxic really hurt for two month. Now only after long sitting. NO xrays,

on examination: symphis pusbis painful to touch, PSIP seem to be level but the groove on the left seems to be a little bit less deep.
the tissue above the sympysis is hardened in comparison to the other side, psoas is more tender to touch, aductors NAD, hamstrings NAD,
funnily the prone knee bent NAD also nothing when combined with Slump,
? I would have thought that that is painful if the femoral nerve is affected?
Lumbar spine NAD also with PAIVMS

I given her pelvic floor exercises, cor strengthening exercises, tried some pa pressure on symphis pubis, tried some mobilisation of the illiacs, also given a stretch for quadriceps and abdominals (havn't heard back yet if that makes any differnec)
I would like to get an xray to see if there is any damage because of the fall
and I would like to have a Wikipedia reference-linkMRI, US, nerve conduction study (not in that order but if nothing shows up) so I am refering her back to her doctor.

I just wondered: has anybody had a patient with a femoral nerve entrapment? where was in trapped, what where the symptoms and how did you treat it?

thanks for your time

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