I have a rugby player who just after new year hurt his wrist whilst running along, he had his arm flexed across his chest when another player ran into him - this was all he can remember he can't remember the position his hand was in or anything else. He did not go to a & e after his accident, but felt it had improved since.
When I saw him 2/52 after this accident, he was restricted to 50% in both flex and ext, full ulnar and rad deviation. No visible swelling/bruising. There was pain on resisted flexion and extension at the distal radioulnar joint.
There was no pain in the snuff box or on compression of the radioulnar joint and the mechanism of injury did not to appear to be that of a fracture. Pain on palp was between the radiocarpal joint space
There was no pain in the snuff box or on compression of the radioulnar joint and the mechanism of injury did not to appear to be that of a fracture. Pain on palp was between the radiocarpal joint space.
He tells me it is most painful when pushing himself up from a chair or trying to open a door and also feels weak, however due to the location of the tenderness I didn't feel that it was the triangular fibrocartiladge.
One week later he had full rom but still pain on trying to push up on his hands.
Has anyone any ideas? Could I have missed a fracture
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