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    lower back pain and tilted pelvis

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Hi All,

    I'm new here but hope you can help me; I'll try to be brief. Hurt back 18 years ago by lifting floor sander on towards right hand side of body (I'm a right handed person). Had pain but nothing too bad but had to stop playing squash as turning made pain worse. Continued normal activities with no pain up until 8 years ago when I started having spasms on right hand side which would make me bend to left. Pain would subside after a few days and I would straighten up; started to get worse over the last few years so i sawa good spinal surgeon who diagnosed a small slip (grade 1 ) spondlytheises of L5 on S1 and two degenerate discs above.
    Right now I have predominantly lower back pain and very occasionally higher up in the L4/3 disc area
    One thing I do see now is a pelvis which is higher on the right and pushed forwards. From what I have read it seems the pelvis is pretty fundamental in the bodys stance and affect on other bones and muscles.
    The question, is there anything that can be done to straighten me? I've been to a 'no crunch' physio and he did some work on me to push my left leg up and some left muscle masage on my lower back but I seem to be worse of almost if it is squeesing the discs even more on my left hand side. Hope I have'nt rambled too much and hope for some good advice. I'll try to upload some images to help. May add later as I can seem to do this.

    Thanks in advance,


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    Re: lower back pain and tilted pelvis

    Hi there,
    That is some rather long standing issues.
    Do you feel pain is your main problem, or biomechanical imbalances?
    I believe both can be rectified. However, a programme of muscular retraining is just as important as any adjustments or physical manipulation.

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    Re: lower back pain and tilted pelvis

    Thanks for your quick reply - I dont think the bend has been there for 18 years (but maybe was but I had no problems till 8 years ago, never was x-rayed till I had the problem so no info) what do I need to do or who do I need to go to. Hope x-rays come out are below. By the way, X-ray shows left hip higher but I think I was standing on a ledge on the side of the x-ray table - my right side is the higher as the Wikipedia reference-linkmri shows and as this pushed my lower spine to the left.

    lower back pain and tilted pelvis Attached Images

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