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    lateral hip and glute pain help

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Hello everyone!

    I have a nagging and recurring pain in my hip that I'm hoping you can give me some guidance to fix! I am 23 years old, VERY active exercising, hiking, surfing, climbing, etc.

    About 2 years ago I strained my lower back and kept having spasms in my lower back on my left side. The way I did it was doing clean & jerks at the gym and instead of dropping the weight I let it down slow and I guess one time my lower back took a lot of the force. I got x-rays done and everything, and was told nothing is wrong as far as bones and vertebrae. I did some physical therapy (a lot of core exercises like planks, stretched hamstrings, etc.) The pain and spasm went away completely.

    Ever since that I have been very tight as far as muscles, or at least that I've noticed. I then started to read on triggerpoints and myofascial release stuff. Myofascial pain started to appear such as "Wikipedia reference-linktennis elbow" symptoms caused by triggerpoints in my triceps, knee pain caused by tight calves comes to mind. The triggerpoint massages I applied to myself w/ a tennis ball and the tptherapy products worked and symptoms cleared.

    Also, on the left side the Wikipedia reference-linksacroiliac joint sticks out a little more than the right side. There was a bit of tenderness there, but I think triggerpoint massage of the QL and longisimus cleared it up, but it still sticks out a tiny bit more than the right side.

    Then 3-4 weeks ago I started to have a pain in my lateral hip around the glute min/med area and also the TFL. It is very sporadic, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it feels like it is spasms, and then sometimes it doesn't hurt at all. This leads me to think it is a muscular issue. Often I can recreate the pain by tilting my head back or forward toward my chest, especially while sitting down driving. But again, it is hit or miss with the pain. The pain is a bit sharp/muscle tight kind of a pain when I do the head tilt movements if it causes it, but at times like just walking or driving or sitting, etc it is a tenderness or an aching pain. But again, it just comes and goes with no pattern that I can pinpoint.

    When I do triggerpoint massage with the tennis ball to glute min/med, tfl, quadratus lumborum, and I think piriformis, usually the symptoms clear or at least diminish, but after a whjile it just coems back. I've tried several sessions of ART treatment (same muscles), but the symptoms just keep coming back.

    My glutes are pretty strong (can do the single leg glute raise and hold for more than 2 mins) but is there a self check I can do to see if they are firing properly and in the right sequence when doing hip extension movements?

    In addition to any help, I'm checking to see if there may be anotehr triggerpoint somehwere in my muscles that is causing satellite ones in the quadratus lumborum and glute min/med and tfl.

    I feel like ever since I "strained" my back, I have been very tight and have triggerpoints everywhere, but I have no idea if all this is related. Also, I have been very stressed emotionally/physically due to several things so that might have something to do with it too.

    ANY help you can provide would be GREATLY appreciated! Again, I don't know if everything is related orn ot, but I thought it might help to provide all the info.

    Thank you in advance!!

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    Re: lateral hip and glute pain help

    You can go for Ultrasound physiotherapy, It will give you proper pain relief. This therapy helps to reduce pain. While healing your body’s deep tissue, stress and muscle tightness and backpain can connect back to the root cause of your pain. Ultrasound therapy effects help to soften tissue cell metabolism. It helps to increase blood flow, it makes the cells more receptive to healing fluids. Ultrasound US111 is the modern device which help to release ‘Endorphins’ which is natural healing chemical released by body to heal pain. US111 therapy uses the natural approach without any side effects. For better results and improvement and it is easy to carry anywhere anytime. US111 will give you best results at home you should try out and check the best features of US111 :-https://ultracarepro.in/product/us-1...le-ultrasound/

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