Take a look at the ones on www.mystudiosoft.com
You can buy the pdfs for printing on CD and they are really inexpensive
Hi all,
Have just started work at a rural hospital in NZ and am the only physio here. The inital assessment form for the out patients, where the majority of my work is, is horrendously out of date and poorly put together. I'm struggling to use it effetively.
I'm wondering if anyone has an electronic copy of a good outpatient initial assessment form, nothing too big, maybe only 1 page each for subjective and objective assessments... This will save me from having to write up a new one from scratch. What I'm looking for is anything more up to date really that I can then modify to fit my environment. So anything would be appreciated.
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Take a look at the ones on www.mystudiosoft.com
You can buy the pdfs for printing on CD and they are really inexpensive
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Yes I did see the sample, but I need to modify them to make them more appropriate to my setting and would then look at getting them standardised for the DHB. So What I am looking for is an electronic version that i can modify. That would be ideal. anyone out there with something they don't mind sharing?
i don't know how to attatch it to the thread but if you still need an assesment form I can send you one via email. PM me your email and I will send you the form I created for my clinic.
Thanks physiojlb,
I finished my work with that hospital on friday and am heading to England for a holiday. In my second week I made one from scratch. We could swap if you like and see if either of us could make ours better.
I'll PM you my email.
Hi I need a good initial assessment form for Day rehabilitation center can anyone help me
hello there james! im in need of initial assessment form. i red you comment in this forum that you are willing to share your form that oyu created for your clinic. if you dont mind please email me a copy tnelmida@yahoo.co.uk. thanks!
i need also and i don't have orthopedic assessment in my work . this my email. flowers2007@hotmail.com
it is imprortant to help me
Hi everybody,
thanks for offering to share your assessment forms...
would be very grateful if anyone would be happy to email me one for out patient at alex@alexconty.com
thank you for your help.
Hi all,
I was wondering if someone could -mail that assessment form (one which I can amend)??
Be VERY grateful,
Would it be possible to attach it to a post, that way we could all 'av a copy ?
Pls email me assessment form as well. Dia107@hotmail.com thank u.
Hi physiojlb,
I need OPD assessment form, I would be obliged if you could send me on this email : dr.alok.kumar.pt@gmail.com
Thanks & Regards