There are a few clues that you have given
Chronic pain for 10 years,
MRI found nothing
gave up sports
no change with treatments
I will try to be succinct;
once back pain has gone on for this long it becomes more than a mechanical or structural issue. It is not helpful to think in terms of somthing that needs to heal. It is likely that there is no longer a pathology in the joints or surrounding tissue. The problem evolves from the initial injury into a problem with sensitivity of the nerves that supply that part of the spine.
Normally any movement, position or tension on the tissue set off neural messages to the brain. In a long standing issue like yours these messages get interpreted by the brain as a pain message. These abnormal messages can make life very miserable and thus aggravate and perpetuate the situation.
This is why your scans don't find any structural reason for the pain. (its also the same thing that happens to amputees who don't even have a limb yet feel phantom pain)
This is why nearly all mechanical based treatments, painkillers etc etc dont change things.
It took decades for this complex situation to be understood by medical science yet there are still people put there who are still searching for a treatment that works or the tissue to "heal".
See if you can find a practitioner who can work with you to correctly strengthen your spine and help you reverse the years of deconditioning.
Search for an understanding of the pain mechanisms and the best strategy in my experience is to "not attend" to the painful interpretation of the abnormal messages. Obviously this is not easily done but having a positive attitude and doing a gently exercise programme can make a huge difference.