Just looking for some opinions on this!
Pt referred to me following MUA of knee.
Brief history- Pt injured her knee during exercise class doing star jumps, carried on, in pain the following day. was referred to physio 3 months ago who was unable to detect any injury, given exercises and reassurance as pt was anxious +++. Pt had subsequent mti and arthroscopy which showed no injury. Over coming months pt developed fixed flexion deformity which required the Mua. Under general anaesthetic knee extended fully with no force required. Was placed in plaster for two weeks. As soon as plaster removed knee returned to flexion. pt has been wearing knee brace and walking with elbow crutches.
Ligaments- intact
Active mvts-- -30 knee extension
120 knee flexion
Passively- -10 extension
Muscle strength quads- 3/5, hamstrings 4/5
Pt very nervous muscles shaking while carrying out muscle strength tests.
this 23 yr old girl is currently on anti-depressant medication.
Any suggestions on how to handle the situation
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