Hi there,

I have a male patient around 4yrs, works in IT industry, c/o neck stiffness & pain, numbness on the post. arm & tingling sensation in the left hand. His sypmptoms increases @ EOD, feels better in AM. X-ray shows degn. changes in lower Cx.

O/E - tight para spinal muscles & upper trap's. Cx- F¡Ô, E- 1/2 pain @ C5-6. SF - pulling along trap's & scm. Rot- EOR¡õ, L=R. Palpation - AP¡õfrom C3, C4 produces numbness, C6 - T1 produces tingling++ sensation from Tx to the hand, T3-T5 ¡õproduces tingling +++ in the hand.
Right now, have treated him for 8 sessions with Cx- Tx ¡õmobs & intermittent Cx traction. His neck pain had decreased but the on & off tingling sensation & numbness hasn't changed much.

I couldn't think of how Tx ¡õ can produce radiating tingling sensation to the hand? If anyone could suggest possible reasons or share their opinions it would be very helpful. looking forward 2 ur reply


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