Hi kubrick123
Even though reflexes and strength are normal this is a potentially highly concerning situation with the possibility of serious cord pathology or other neurological or orthopaedic disease I think you sould refer on and the patient should be imaged. You should have things like tumours in or impinging on the cord, and central disc trespass, ruled out - and remember this could be at the cervical or thoracic levels not just lumbosacral. Bilateral objective Neuro signs should always raise alarm bells. If something sinister is happening at the posterior cord or adjacent posterior nn root then you may have no motor signs and it is entirely possible for just the dorsal column/mediai lemniscal tract responsible for light touch to be involved and not the anterolateral sensory tract responsible for deep pressure as the geography is quite distinct. And as she is young tumours can be very aggressive - so i wouldn't waste time. Better to be overly cautious even if it creates a bit of a flap. You never know when you may save a life or severe disablement. BTW when you say reflexes are normal did you include testing for Babinski and clonus? And I take iy that gait is normal?