Hi all

the last few months I have been suffering from some discomfort in my back.

The pain started when I would sit at my desk and stretch (think of yawning and stretching your arms out). When I arch backwards as if to pull the top of my bum upwards and push chest outward i get a pain around the top of the lumber region

The pain started in summer 2010, a few months after I started back jogging.

After a bit of reading online the only self diagnosis I can come up with is:

1.some sort of impact from poor running form ( bad arch support or something)

2. Sleeping position. Mattress needs replacing (again poor support)

3. Anterior pelvic tilt. hip flexors have always been tight from not stretching after jogging and 9-5 desk job. Maybe tight hamstrings/glutes adding to this.

I've since given up jogging because of knee pain.I do some weights (nothing too heavy) and the pain has never caused any discomfort while doing them so I just continued on.

I do get a pain in my back when doing hanging knee raises so I knocked them on the head too

I also get pain after standing for periods or after walking the dog it can be worse

I think its muscular because I just used biofreeze gel and that seems to have lessened the pain

hopefully someone can recommend some stretches or exercises to help

Sorry for the long post

Thanks for reading

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