I have had several clients recently with a stabbing pain on the medial aspect of the knee. No pain on resting, but pain on all weight bearing. No family history or previous history of knee pain. One client is 48yo a runner who experienced this pain following a run and another who is an 70 who described an insidious onset.
Iniitally I thought that both were refered pain from meniscal injuries however no positivemeniscus tests and all other ligament tests were clear, no pain on patella grind test. Only TOP over the area of pain. This then lead me to think of the inflammation of the pes anserine.
I have used the following treatment methods;
DTF, Acupuncture, US + IFT, Kenisio tape to off-load the structures with no real success. The older client reports feeling absolutely no symptoms following treatment but returns with no improvement and the younger lady reports increase of pain following some treatment which settles but no real improvement. I have included a body chart for the pain.
Any ideas or help? thanksknee pain.jpg
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