I have a patient who started getting lumbar back pain radiating to the left ventral thigh (not below the knee) after being out in the woods a few weeks back looking for mushrooms. She started feeling the pain when she was on her way back to the car, so she doesn't feel like it happened all of a sudden when bending forward or anything like that.
She has a distinct lateral shift to the right when she's standing. She also prefers leaning to the right when sitting (25 years as a busdriver, leaning to the right while steering with her left hand). I've been using mostly the McKenzie method here.
Extensions in standing, lying or just lying on her elbows in a static position results in an increase/peripherisation of her radiating pain. A moderate movement restriction in extension.
Flexion in standing x 20 produces no symptoms at all, and no movement restriction (she can reach her toes) and she prefers sitting in a cross legged position or any other position with a slightly flexed posture. No centralisation of pain, although slightly unclear. She says the pain is always there in one form or another although at times it's more of a "sensation" than regular pain.
Side gliding to the right produces no symptoms. Side gliding to the left is almost impossible because it provokes a lot of back pain as well as increased radicular pain. Because of that, she can't correct her lateral shift and neither can I.
Reduced sensation on her ventral thigh (L2/L3 area). Patellar reflexes are lively. SLR negative. Femoral nerve stretch test positive.
Not really sure what the best way to proceed is... I can't seem to find a proper way to centralise her symptoms. I haven't used the McKenzie-method for that long so I'm not that experienced with it. Could this be classified as irreducible symptoms? Could it even be a hernia? She hasn't had anyMRI or anything yet. I've met her twice now and she has been doing some of her own exercises in between (she had a posterior derangement on her right side a few years back), like lying on her back and activating transversus abdominus and so on.
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