This is a colleague in the pilates world who does not know what to do next. My thought was Podiatrist/biomechanical review . Any other suggestions or referral to good Ankle specialists of any specialty (physio/Dr/Podiatrist) etc to help her.
This is her explaination for what has happened. i am only advising her as a friend and not as a practitioner.
Indications of: retrocalcaneal bursitis seen in the UltraSound, theMRI shows achilles tendinopathy and degeneration in the achilles with a large piece of scar tissue between the achilles tendon and the calcaneum. We are about to do another ultrasound (October 20th) to see if the achilles is attached to this scar tissue thereby limiting it’s physiologic gliding capacity. Eight months no improvement.
Ø 1977 Laterally sprained ankle, continued to dance (on tour) for 6 weeks.
Ø 1978 Operation (Evans procedure) on subluxating peroneals, deeper groove created in malleol to better accommodate the peroneals. Bone spurs removed. Achilles tendon sectioned lengthwise to use to tie up the peroneals. (This is all I can remember of my conversation with Dr. William Liebler at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City).
Ø 1978 (six months later) Repeated for better tracking of the peroneals which still subluxated. Doctor Liebler hoped to give me maximum stability with sufficient plantar flexion to maintain a good “point” for ballet. I feel he succeeded.
Ø 1979-1988 Continued to dance full time classical ballet with markedly different dorsiflexion between the two feet. The heel never touched the floor while being a “jumper”, producing chronic tendonitis in the achilles during those eleven years.
Ø 1988 Tore the plantar fascia from taping too tightly (not by me !) implemented for the chronic conditions of inflammation during past 10 years.
Ø 2000 Plantar Fascitis, improved with orthopedic insoles. Used only about 6 months, no problem afterwards.
Ø 2006 February, following a slight heel irritation in boots ( a couple of hours only - boots were thrown away) retrocalcaneal bursitis developed, until the achilles became tender and medial and lateral sides of heel tender and inflamed. This is not your standard achilles… after all the surgery and years of tendonitis.
The condition has worsened despite a multitude of alternative therapeutic approaches.
Ø Techniques implemented:
Manual: Chiropractics, massage, deep massage (SOMA), acupuncture, night splint, AirCast for plantar fascitis/achilles tendon pump BioResonance, myofascial treatments. Crutches for two weeks. Ultrasound, MRI.
Medicinal: homeopathy, oligo-elements, magnesium, BioSet Soft Tissue enzymes, ice, moxa, rest with crutches. Injection of anaesthetic into retrocalcaneal burse without diminution in pain, actually augmentation of pain! The doctor doing the injection noted the hardness of the tissue when trying to insert the needle.
Most effective were deep massage, night splint, myofascia work, ice relieves pain temporarily, but does not improve the condition for any longer than the time it is cold. Ultrasound shows inflammation and the retrocalcaneal burse detaching from the calcaneum, plus significant scar tissue from the surgery. MRI results show the achilles in a degenerative state with a large piece of scar tissue between the tendon and the calcaneum.
I am currently using the Nitro Dur patches directly on the tendon (topical glyceryl trinitrate) following the article in the Journal of Joint and Bone Surgery 2004. The side effects are headaches and nausea (with occasional vomiting). Any ideas there?
Current state: Painful most of the time (burning, electric, knives) at the insertion points in the heel, lateral, medial and posterior sides of the calcaneus, achilles is tender and “fibrous” (lumpy) , and calf spasms. It is has been months since I could even walk at a quick pace much less run, any impact on the heel is very painful. The most pain comes from standing too long. I sleep in a night splint and is nonetheless very painful in the morning. It warms up a bit, then the pain kicks in from standing. Even with the strong massage, the minimal increase in flexibility gained, lasts for a maximum 15 minutes. After sitting down for as little as 5 minutes, standing again provokes the pain equal to what it was before sitting. The pain has increased significantly in the last 2-3 weeks.
My “uneducated” concerns:
Regarding cortisone or cortisone type injections- I am concerned as I understand it augments the likelihood of rupture in the tendon. The suggestion is not to inject the tendon but the area that is the large piece of scar tissue (ultra-sound guided this time). I didn’t use cortisone 30 years ago, so I don’t want to start now… most information says that the achilles have a greater likelihood to rupture after injections. The doctor believes the injection was so difficult as the tissue was very hard, which the MRI shows to be scar tissue and NOT the retrocalcaneal bursa as suspected in the ultrasound. The same contraindications are mentioned for ESWT. (Shockwave Therapy)
What can I expect from surgery in such an old injury? Since the achilles has degenerated and the surrounding tissue isn’t great what are the prospects for full recovery of movement? In surgery, what are the chances of sural nerve damage, infection?
One piece of information: In many of the alternative therapies I tried it was discussed that my poor circulation (vascular) is having an effect, will this have any impact on my recovery? I am 51, post menopausal – which from what I have read, also has an effect as well on tendons….
My livelihood (sole source of income as well), my joy, is movement and teaching, I own a Pilates studio.
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