hi, im trying to develop an amputee assessment form for our AT&R department. Does anyone know of any resources where i can get some sort of template or ideas of what to put on it?
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hi, im trying to develop an amputee assessment form for our AT&R department. Does anyone know of any resources where i can get some sort of template or ideas of what to put on it?
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dear therapist,
assessment form, for amputee must consist of the following .
age.Sex,reason for the surgery,age related complications,duration of ther illness,
whether it is a guilletin type or classical one,or revision, level of amputation,side,unilateral or bilateral
history of the patient like family history,personal history,social history,occupational history.
from above history we can collect the information like their economical status,hobbies,habbits like smoking,alcohol,etc.
in the objective assessment we have to assess according to the phase of the post operative period.
we can divide the POS by
1.immediate phase.
2.late phase.
3.stage of preprosthesis
4.stage of trial limb fittting
5.stage of permanent prosthesis
according to the phase the assessment will vary
Here's a few interesting guidelines that cover care, referral, accreditation etc. The page two of the NHS one has a nice guide to treatment plans. Anyway this might assist your literature review to see what aspects others are considering in different scenarios.
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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During my undergrad studies I used the book "Therapy for Amputees" (Engstrom & Ven de Ven). Besides being very useful when working with these patients, it also has a very good chapter dedicated to assessment of the amputee.
Hope this helps ... am also trying to dig up some of my own assessments too.
I used to work in amputees myself from the pre-surgical though outpatients. I'll try to dig up a few reference to article and post them bit by bit. I'll also try to contact my old amputee rehab centre in Australia to see if they can share with us some of the stuff they have.
For now this article, although old, might be worth considering as the type of thing you might include in your assessment and treatment plan overview:
Prosthet Orthot Int. 1989 Apr;13(1):36-8. Links
Use of the Femurett adjustable prosthesis in the assessment and walking training of new above-knee amputees.
* Parry M,
* Morrison JD.
Disablement Services Centre, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford.
The Lic Femurett adjustable training prosthesis was evaluated on 51 above-knee amputees attending the Oxford Disablement Services Centre. In the elderly it proved superior to the Pneumatic Post-Amputation Mobility Aid (P.P.A.M.-Aid) in the assessment of their ability to use a prosthesis, and is useful for walking training once the stump is fully healed; it does not replace the P.P.A.M-Aid at the early post-operative stage.
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
Chartered Physiotherapist & Member of the CSP
Member of Physio First (Chartered Physio's in Private Practice)
Member Australian Physiotherapy Association
Founder Physiobase.com 1996 | PhysioBob.com | This Forum | The PhysioLive Network | Physiosure |
__________________________________________________ _____________________________
My goal has always to be to get the global physiotherapy community talking & exchanging ideas on an open platform
Importantly to help clients to be empowered and seek a proactive & preventative approach to health
To actively seek to develop a sustainable alternative to the evils of Private Medical Care / Insurance
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