Hi, I have had problems with headaches and anxiety for a while now. It would appear that the problems are related to my levator scapulae which are noticeably inflamed and painful. They hurt when I turn my head and seem to cause headaches up the sides and back of my head in the occipital muscles. A physio recommended that I strengthen my serratus and upper trapezius, which I have been doing at the gym, but I have found it difficult to target the upper trapezius - the only exercise I know for doing this is the shrug. I can never seem to feel my upper trapezius get tired with the shrug but I often feel a tightness over the back of my neck pulling my head backwards. Is this the action of the levator scapulae? I read that shrugs target both the upper trapezius and levator. Should I be trying to isolate the upper traps as the levator is already overworked?

I have been doing mostly lateral raises, upright rows and shrugs to try and work the area, sometimes I get a little relief after exercise sometimes it seems to make things worse. Id really like to get an effective routine and see some relief in the levators. Any advice would be much appreciated!

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