Biotech india introduced an instrument called Long wave diathermy.
Please give me the details of Long wave and its effects.
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Biotech india introduced an instrument called Long wave diathermy.
Please give me the details of Long wave and its effects.
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Long wave diathermy is a very old modality used in past. Its use has been discarded in USA by FDA as it has wave lenght of 200m and therefore, interference with a electronice devices like even flying aeroplanes. It has been now replaced by the introduction of shorter wave length devices like SWD and Microwave diathermy. Long wave diathermy is not used today.
There are many advantages of Longwave Diathermy, which is also called as CET technique. There are three manufacturer SKanlab , Indiba and Biotech .
It radiates much less than Shortwave Diathermy as Frequency of operation is less than 1MHZ and Power is below 75watts, where as SWD has frequency of 27.12Mhz and power of 250watts and above.
There are studies, which shows, it gives better result than SWD and Ultrasound.
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long wave is not approvED BY USFDA
What is the difference between tecar therapy and longwave diathermy?