I have a question to You, I have problem with my upper limb and spine,neck, and I try to find very good private MSK physio specialized in upper limb and spine in Brighton or West Sussex. Can You help me?
Sorry for my english
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Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Head, Neck - Posterior
Head, Neck - Anterior
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Shoulder - Posterior - Right
Shoulder - Anterior - Left
Shoulder - Anterior - Right
Upper Arm, Triceps - Posterior - Left
Upper Arm, Triceps - Posterior - Right
Upper Arm, Biceps - Anterior - Left
Upper Arm, Biceps - Anterior - Right
Elbow, Forearm - Posterior - Left
Elbow, Forearm - Posterior - Right
Elbow, Forearm - Anterior - Left
Elbow, Forearm - Anterior - Right
Wrist, Hand - Posterior - Left
Wrist, Hand - Posterior - Right
Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Left
Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Right
I have a question to You, I have problem with my upper limb and spine,neck, and I try to find very good private MSK physio specialized in upper limb and spine in Brighton or West Sussex. Can You help me?
Sorry for my english
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First off I would go to ::Physio First:: on this website you can enter in the details of what you are actually looking for and the facilities that the practice has to offer. You will be able to find a registered physio, now although this does not guarantee them to be "very good" it will give you a starting point. From there I would try googling their name and looking for feedback on patient forums etc to see if they are recommended in upper limb etc.
Good luck
Or look on The Physio Directory Here
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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