would some one plz feed me more regarding the following case and it's physiotherapy.
The history:
-Female,49 yr., multipara,her wieght of body already within acceptable range.
-Nervouse woman,works teacher,she handles alot of things at her life.
-Suffer chronic sinusitis,no other health problems.
-Holds a contraceptive instrument in her uterus(sorry not familiar with it's name) since 8 yrs.
-Complete free active ROM at lower limbs with good muscles strength generally.
-Diagnosed as:Uterine Prolapse between 1 &2 degrees,moderate tightness & sever tenderness at inguinal region bilaterally more at her right side,her sore increases during standing activities,she fells like some thing going down!!,her complains since more months.
**My question is what is the appropriate physical therapy care for this case?
**Suggestive web sites plz!.
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