Hello, I believe I tore my Longissimuss Cervicis. It happened from a weight lifting incident. I now have been diagnose with degenerative disease in the right hip and right arm ( of course accompanied with the numbness and tingling in my arm, leg, feet, lost of control in my knees especially the right one, and barely being able to use my right arm and hand as well, and the same with my leg, i have impingement in it so I walk uneven), scoliosis/kyphoscoliosis, herniation in the hip, costocondritis, rotation of the thoracic spine, my clavicle is also dragging downward with the shoulder, rib and arm, making my right clavicle look like its poking out under my neck causing pain, I have a lump next to the right side of my neck around the neck muscle-pit area, and a bad case of neurological issues with the right side of my neck jerking/twitching or a "tik" as they say, my face to the right very quickly like a spasm. It looks like I have turrets syndrome if you seen me and didn't know about the other things. Fortunately I found out by looking at the anatomy of the human body to see if I can locate this core pain since the doctors have been giving me the run around nor did I no the difference between a deep pain and sharp pain, and I noticed that's exactly were the pain is coming from. I started by explaining to the doctors that it feels like I pulled a muscle that connects to the chest and the back. Of course they said that is not possible because there's no science to that accusation. Here's the worst part. It happened 12 years ago, and I never got it check out and I carried on with life through regular exercise and weight lifting. Now that my right rib keeps falling and rotating to the back side, its putting heavy pressure on my lung and now I have a mild case of asthma, and I have the DJD in my right arm, I have been having bad stomach aches which my cardiologist said could be an ulcer, accompanied with the bad posture. How couldn't I have known this was what happened? Simple, since 2002 my body has molded itself slowly into a position that doesn't hurt to stand, sit or walk in. After I realized two days ago that oddly i'm not standing upright and this is because with all this pressure in my face and head from a head injury accompanied after an assault that same year that gave me a mild concussion from a kick to my cerebral area of my head, I haven't been able to think strait with all this dam pain around my spine going up toward my head, let alone notice a difference in how I was standing until the top of my spine started bulging and giving me pain, I stood upright that's when I could feel the core pain in between my 6-7 thoracic vertebra going up to my neck with a loss of breath and nearly passing from the pain. Now I have this menthol feeling that comes and goes from the top of my spine going down the spine and stopping around the 5-6th thoracic vertebra. Feels like ice water. The doctors have been assessing me from the outside-in, instead of the in-side out possibly because of the order of which I have been complaining. First it was the chest/ribs, then the hip and leg and feet, then arm. Now that I have brought it to the attention to my neurologist I will have my EMG and NCV in early December. I had to put a halt to doing physical therapy for my chest and hip because I can't stand up right like I need to in order to relive the pressure off my hip and frontal chest. And I want to put a halt to my pain management doc wanting to give me an injection in the neck to loosen the muscle that connects to the shoulder because my Rib will still cease to stay in place. I have looked all over online for help or someone with this level of severity. I no I shouldn't have wait this long to finally get the picture but the truth is it didn't really start giving me severe face, back, throat, arm, hip, abdomen, rib or leg troubles until about 5 years ago and at that time I couldn't afford the proper insurance to have done all these test and appointments and I was a single working parent until I quit my job in May and got on Medicaid and started seeing doctors since this June, leading up to the discover in which I am finally happy that I found. This Longissimuss Cervicis is like a coat hanger or a belt for my shoulder, clavicle, and my ribs to stay aligned with and to my spine. So since I think I may be the only person in the world that has gone this long with such a terrible injury.. What is the surgery they do to intact everything back in its place,, along with keeping the spine aligned and the ribs from falling without that belt being fresh... It feels like i'm being poisoned in all honesty and I can't believe I put so much faith in the doctors to properly take their time to asses me. Must be because i'm on Medicaid. Any-who I am totally relieved that I found the area in which the core pain started from, but i'm not out the hot water by far just yet and I can live with that because what most important is that I was blessed to figure this out on my own because if I would have just sat back and waited on the doctors they may have never even got to my back and neck for another 6 months. Doesn't sound long but imagine being in my shoes, in which doctors will not prescribe pain medicine because they didn't no the root cause. Does anyone know how they can fix this torn, deteriorated tendon? When I stretch and move back and forth it feels like the muscle or tendon I damaged has became a scar internally.. I can actually feel it rub against my spine If I sit a certain way and lean back ..it feels Almost comparable to what the inside of a peach looks like once you cut it in half,, take the seed out and look at the darker ridges...my spine would be the seed moving around those groves in the peach without being fully secured. Am I scared, no.. Concerned, very much. I am only 25 with a wife and two loving children.. I realize this could mess me up more by fixing inn the long run against the nervous system verses to continue going through the pain and let them put me on pain meds forever and a little therapy with pain injections. However a man in my position having dealt with it this long, I want it resolved, not patched up or band aided no matter the risk. This is extremely difficult for me to constantly feeling poisoned 24 hrs a day with no relief but hopefully my neurologist will be on the same page with me that its time to change the area of focus. So how does a surgery like this one happen, or is it as simple as saying, replace the damaged tissue to support the rib, put steel in my spine to hold it in place, put steel in my clavicle to hold it in place with the shoulder, and hope therapy for the DJD in my arm and hip does not need surgery for that? Better than that? Or Worst than that?

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