AC Sprains/Tear
* AC injuries may be seen with falls on adducted shoulder, type 1 injury is non-displaced sprain of AC ligament, manifestication by local tenderness without anatomic deformity.
Type 2 injury, involves AC tear and coracoclavicular ligament sprain, but coracoclavicular(CC) interspace is intact.
treatment of type 1 or 2 includes arm sling, ice, analgesic and progressive ROM ex.
unstable type 2 may require arm sling use for 2-4 weeks, sports activities can be resumed when full painless ROM is achived and deltoid strength is near the baseline.
type 3 and 4 lesions involve rupture of AC and CC ligament with varying displacements of clavicle, these require orthopedics consaultation
Adhesive capsulitis
syndrome characterized by progressive loss of ROM in gleniohumeral joint, adduction and ER affected more than other movement, may be end result of other conditions that result of prolonged immobility such as bursitis, rotator cuff tendonitis
treatment includes progressive ROM ex, with heat and NSAIDs , steroid injection and manipulation under anesthesia, recovery may takes several months.
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