Hi there , I am George from Greece ,I have recently started to work as massage therapist , I have trained to the trigger point therapy which I use it very often..
Today I worked with a client for the first time for his low back pain..
It seems that the source of the problem is in the QL muscles , something that I have seen before, but in the Serratus posterior inferior also...
When I pressed with my hand his right SPI , he felt a big pain in the spot, and also in the left side low back area, ( under his left QL)
After massaging a little the area , I tried it again. Pressing the right serratus posterior inferior, gives a big pain in the area under the left QL .
Is it normal to refer pain in that way ?
Also it seems to have a piriformis syndrome and maybe a small problem to his illiopsoas muscle..
With piriformis, QL, and illiopsoas OK, but what about the Serratus, ? Any advise?
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