I've recently wrote a blog on lower back pain management. Just wondering if you guys can suggest ways to improve it?
Lower Back pain management blueprint - AMR Physiotherapy Nottingham
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Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Lumbar, Spine - Posterior
I've recently wrote a blog on lower back pain management. Just wondering if you guys can suggest ways to improve it?
Lower Back pain management blueprint - AMR Physiotherapy Nottingham
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"Low back pain (LBP) is defined as pain that is localised below the ribs (costal margin) and above the inferior gluteal folds."
If unilateral, suggest you might want to try several positional releases
iliocostalis and quadratus lumborum- rest elbow on sore side on a arm rest or on sofa. Bend over to that side and twist back on that side until you can get to sweet spot - hold for 90 seconds
Gluteus medius, thoracolumbar near midline - lie on stomach and extend thigh on affected side with pillows until get sweet spot - hold for 90 seconds
lower back, piriformis - lie on stomach; bring leg over edge bed; prop knee on something at 90 degrees flexion to knee and hip; more it around until sweet spot (piriformis need to adduct bit) hold for 90 seconds
acute back pain looks like a multifidi issue as hydrodissection of muscle plane works:
Kanamoto, Hirohito, et al. "Effect of Ultrasound‐Guided Hydrorelease of the Multifidus Muscle on Acute Low Back Pain." Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 40.5 (2021): 981-987. Just a moment...
Just a moment...