This is my first post so please forgive the wrong terminolgy if any.
I have an injury to my right rib cage (the bottom rib jus under it and on the bone). I was hit in the ribs following a kick or punch. It had been 5 days, now i feel i aggrevated it a little when i went for a run.
I have started massaging my rib cage, when lying on my back using Deep Heat cream and Ibroufen clear gel. The pain is under the bottom right rib, when i feel the opposite rib feels the same so i dont thinks its broken.Following the massage I try to sleep but it does hurt when i turn either way so I have to sleep on my back.
The pain is not unbareable but is uncomfortable and feels sore when i breathe i can feel a pain inside there. I can not see any bruises its internal -
Now dont know whether to get X-ray but mite take 5 hours waiting or just keep massaging and see what happens, just need some advice from experts so I can stop worrying, because I feel I cant so to the gym because it mite aggrevate the injury again.
Please advise.
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