35 yr female marathon runner, hurt her right hip while on the 21st mile while running, heard a pop and pain but continued to run till the finish. Incident occured in Feb 08.MRI is negative. Main c/o is pain and unable to run. O/E tenderness/tightness over right piriformis, pain with flex/add/ER of hip(GMed), standing left iliac crest is slightly lower, lying down right lower extremity is shorter and coming to long sitting position the leg telescopes and equalizes the leg discrepancy. Already tried
SIJ mobilization/manipulation, Piriformis/GMed stretching and SI MET correction techniques. It has helped some and now can walk on Treadmill at 4.0mph for 10-15 mins without pain. But limb length discrepancy remains and pain is still around 3-4/10. Also advised to use a SI belt.
What is happening over here? Any input is appreciated.
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