Hi, i'm new to the forum so hello to all. I was diagnosed with peripheral vestibular disorder two years ago and was referred to a physio for rehab. I was taught the cawthorne cooksey method which seemed to work a treat , basically it got me back to living a normal active life, however about 6 months ago the dizziness returned. I believe a bout of the flu was the culprit , but now it just seems to be getting worse and worse. I am perservering with the cawthorne method which is helping but the problem now seems to be sunlight or any strong artificial light which just seems to trigger the dizziness within minutes. Does anyone identify with this? At the moment it's leaving me pretty much housebound especially on sunny days. Can anyone tell me if there are any methods or exercises to help me with the light sensitivty. I cant ask my physio as of yet because i need to be referred back which can take months! WOULD MUCH APPRECIATE ANY HELP, THANKS JOE.

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