Just recently qualified and have to treat and manage a 63yr old lady who has just had surgery for cerebellar pontine angie meningioma. A benign tumour removed from brain. She has dec trunk control, proprioception loss global ataxia. she is motivated and compliant. she can stand unsupported for 20sec. I have been seeing her for 3 wks doing lots of trunk control, proprioception exercises. when I first met her the whole half hour her head was side flexed to the right and she was w/b > to the left. She can correct her posture when prompted. stg was to be able to sit unsupported whilst recruiting knee ext this she can now do. What she wants is to be able to walk using a wwf. She can transfer using banana board but needs A01. When she stands and you ask her to step with the r foot forward and back the ataxia, dec co-or is making this mvt very unsteady and pt struggles to plantigrade her foot precisely where I ask. Happy with what I am doing and why but to get someone who has treated a pt like this before would be a huge benefit to my rx.

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