My partner has Ataxia in his right arm after a severe TBI 3 years ago. It has got worse within this time. I would like to know everything I can do to relieve this for him, so he can at least eat without needing someone to hold the spoon, or drink without dropping it everywhere and someone holding the cup. He is on an extra soft diet, hopefully moving to soft soon. His swallowing is improving but arm getting worse.
I am prepared to do what ever it takes and he has a good team of carers, so he is lucky. I know a reasonable amount about the body as I train and have researched a lot but I am no expert and am not a physio, so could really do with some expert advice from you guys!! (explained in terms I can understand if poss).
Hi slimits are - he is wheelchair bound, but does standing practise in a frame with lots of support. He can go prone but this is difficult due to v.stiff left arm as the left side is v.weak. He also has cognitive difficulties so needs facilitation.

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