I have a patient who is having difficulty walking due to atrophy of LL muscles. She had a T2-4 operation for schwannoma excision in July 2009. Prior to this, she was able to walk with nil issues. She currently walkes with severely internally rotated (L) hip and knee and (L) ankle pronation (foot is rotated approximately 50 degrees laterally). On knee extension, patella moves ++++laterally. Anterior tibial translation indicatives +++++laxity.

Unable to get record of operation notes, as patient had operation at non-affiliated hospital.

Has anyone heard of or can provide some light as to why her joints have become so lax post surgery? I'm assuming possible surgical complication?

We have attempted knee braches and AFO's but these have no effect are the joints are far too lax. Any suggestions? Currently mobilising with 4WF.

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