hallow...... wana to ask u about The best way to transport a patient does not have pelvic elevation at all
(zero) . and fully dependent spastic 4 limbs , cant roll and did nt have trunk control or sitting balance at all .
she's also alzhaimer patient and was fully independent in her previous physical status . .
now this patient with short term memory , disoriented , cant follow commands,
what's the best way of transfer the patient from bed to chair coz there is a plane to discharge her in few days and she had only one daughter as home care giver .
since 3 weeks no change in her physical status with physiotherapy , so planing to discharge her frome physio side with home exercise programme for maintaining and prevention further problems . but what best advice for her daughter about transfer and what's your suggestion for home support devices can help in that .
cant keep her at hospital we dont have in patient physiotheray rehab sevice.
pX 78 kg
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