hi my topic is mamagement of hemiplegic shoulder would u please like to help me out how to go along with this .
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hi my topic is mamagement of hemiplegic shoulder would u please like to help me out how to go along with this .
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First, you can humeral head fixating in glenoid fossa. For fixating u usebobath sling. When humeral head good fixating the pain no increasing. Second you must weight transfers in upper extremity(this stimulate proprioseption). Third (important) trunk stability must have good. bye...
Last edited by physiobob; 05-03-2007 at 06:22 PM.
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That should be purely biomechanics based and a hemiplegic splint should be constructed to render multiple benefits and ameliorate complete paralysed hemibody. I am interested in sharing my hypothetical excerpts to anybody who is interested to hark at what I say. Bye!!
try prayer position
light joint compression with shoulder in 30 degree of abduction. apply shoulder sling
regarding Iv76 & sbbb both of u have suggested a sling for this paralyized patient would u plz give some docummentary referrences and /or web sites that comfirm this suggestions!!
with regards
please don't suggest sling for spastic upper limb. it wont work. it may be useful for flaccid limb for proper positioning.
thank you
ur's cyber:cool:
At my hospital we don't use slings as they encourage disuse and internal rotation contractures. On rare occasions we may make a sling to assist with transfers only if the person has a flaccid arm. The sling is removed immediately after the transfer. If someone needs an external support we get neoprene supports that go over both shoulders. They look a bit like a shoulder holster. If someone has a flaccid arm and palpable subluxation we also use FES on posterior deltoid for up to 6 hours per day.
You could try taping. Gives good results. Reduce adducter spacticity. Move in RIP positions & break synergy.
At my first practise , i used to be conscerned regarding that shoulder of stroke patient ,espicially some of those victims complain pain . Currently , I see it as secondary problem or minot problem .
Some physiotherapists are working aggressively , I stand looking at them strangely ...What are you doing ? We are not workers ..! Why do apply all that . Is there something called Priority ...Why I do think of that shoulder ..while my patient can not walk ..or stand ....Let you pay your patient, attention to priority too ....Soon you will find that shoulder pain complaint disappears .
Best Wishes
In my experience, the most important and the core thing in managing hemplegic shoulder is maintain the normal alignement of hemplegic shoulder.
I Used To Give Taping To Shoulder
It Gave Good Results To My Patients(contraindicated In Irritation)
Movement and positioning of the scapula is very important - it can affect the tone, active movement and pain in the shoulder joint.
Review the resting position of the shoulder - is it normal?
If not - reposition the scapula and try to activate the stabilising muscles.
With normal alignment of the scapula you may find that you get increased active movement of the shoulder and less pain.
It can prevent pain if the hemiplegic shoulder is currently symptomatic.