I have been suffering with a stabbing pain from what feels like under my Scapula and pain through out my shoulder arm and Biceps. Initially diagnosed as a torn rhomboid muscle the pain has been on going since March 2010.

I compete in wrestling and Mixed martial arts and had just started training after rehabbing a Bad AC joint injury.

One morning after training felt my back was stiff so reached up for the top of the door in order to stretch my back out when a shooting pain came from the are of my rhomboids. Original physio diagnosed it as a rhomboid tear and we rehabbed it. The pain eased but did not go away and my shoulder became irritable. I thought this linked to my AC joint problem. Stopped training in June of 2010 as I could not cope with the pain. Went to see a reccomended Physio whose instant reaction was a herniated disc cervical C5-C6. Initial meeting with Neurologist said that the symptoms point to this and it was the most likely problem. Wikipedia reference-linkMRI scans showed no Bulge or impingement in the cervical area of the spine. There was however a small bulge in the thoracic region of the spine but this would not lead to the symptoms exhibited in this case.

I have now been told that the neurologist thinks that this is a peripheral nerve injury which will improve over time with physiotherapy. My Physio suggested it may be repeated nerve trauma of the C5 nerve root causing residual neuralgia and I am set to see him as soon as poss.

My reflexs in both arms are limited. I have loss in sensation of touch to the skin of my right shoulder and am 5% weaker on the right handside of my upper body than left.

Any suggestions. Did my initial rehab for my neck and got the old pain again. Any thoughts on next steps would be extremely appreciated.

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