Hi all
Hope many of you would have come across regarding Constraint Induced therapy. Could anyone inform me about the drawbacks of this therapy and if possible with any literature evidence
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Hi all
Hope many of you would have come across regarding Constraint Induced therapy. Could anyone inform me about the drawbacks of this therapy and if possible with any literature evidence
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hiiii im mansour habiballah 4th year on physical therapy studying me too im searching for material about constraint induced movment therapy cuz i have to do presentation about this subject then i have some material :
cimt is nea techique for stroke patients espacially to regain functions on upper extrimities .
if u like material tell me .
[email protected]
Could someone explain the concept of Cortical Reorganization to me? From what I understand is that each movement is controlled by a part of the cerebral cortex and when that part is damaged, another part of the cerebral cortex takes on that movement. Am I correct in this?
not quite that easy. Suggest you search "Neuroplasticity".
Brain 2008 131(5):1381-1390
Priming the motor system enhances the effects of upper limb therapy in chronic stroke
Cathy M. Stinear, P. Alan Barber, James P. Coxon, Melanie K. Fleming and Winston D. Byblow