Who is aloud to preform pre-injection assessment and the procedure itself?
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Who is aloud to preform pre-injection assessment and the procedure itself?
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Last edited by physiobob; 20-03-2012 at 11:18 PM.
would usually be a medical doctor at the very minimum and likely an orthopedic specialist with an interest in managing spasticity. Alternatively a neurologist with interest in movement disorders may also be a good referral option. Good luck.
I believe in the UK even a beauty therapist can administer botox injections. You certainly do not need to be a medical doctor in the UK
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Perhaps you could tell us more about what the botox would be treating. If treating spasticity in a two year old child with cerebral palsy, or a woman with a bad frowny face? It makes a big difference. If for over active bladder, the Urologists do it here.
Oh dear,
In most european countries medical specialists do it.
Hi here in India some neurologists, physiatrists do administer it to spastic muscles.. For my paediatric patient an orthopaedic surgeon did this. And yes for clearing of wrinkles of face beauticians use very little quantity of botox in skin..