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  1. #1

    mobilizing the nervous system


    Was wondering if anyone had some views or tips on how to mobilize the nervous system. Large topic i know but im looking for the most effective way and any journals or ideas that anyone thinks would be useful would be greatly appreciated!


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    Re: mobilizing the nervous system

    I have adverse nervous tension and went on a site that showed a dvd that has been brought out with a new book. Unfortunately I tried to do the same exercise that was shown whereby the nerve on the left outer leg is held between thumb and forefinger of one hand and the thumb of the other hand is applying pressure parallel (to where the other hand is applying pressure to the nerve on the outside of the leg) to the left underside of the kneecap. It has left me with tingling all down my left side which radiates all over my scalp and even into my face. It subsides when I am sitting in an armchair but when I am on my feet for a while or if I am sitting on a dining chair it starts to get worse to the extent that I feel nauseous and not quite "with it" feel a bit dizzy. My left foot keeps swelling up and the leg feels a bit swollen as well. Will it get better in time or have I damaged the nerve. I am really quite worried and regret doing this but thought that I might get more movement if I did this exercise.
    Thank you.

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