hello everybody!
I have a 69 year old female patient diagnosed L hemiplegia. She's disoriented as to time, place and distance. still in flaccid stage. Blood pressure is not stable but her diastolic mostly my concern...40mmhg or 50 mmhg. She has also a left shoulder subluxation about 1 finger and it is always the cause of pain upon sidelying on the affected side and upon sitting. My management includes...ES to supraspinatus and deltoid muscle for 30 mins, extensor muscles of the forearm for 15 mins, extensores of the lower extremities for 15 mins, AAROM on Right side and PROM on Left side. we do also sitting balance tolerance for 10 mins.
My question is ....what is mostly the highest functional level of this patient? She's also diabetic by the way...and is there a possibility for her to walk again?
Thanks and more power....
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