Was wondering whether anyone could help me with an musculoskeletal problem in a patient of mine with Wikipedia reference-linkParkinson's Disease.

My patient is a 68 year old lady currently in inpatient rehab for decreased mobility and uncertain living situation post-discharge. She was diagnosed with PD 8 years ago and had been living alone in her own home until being admitted but is not expected to return home post-discharge as she is no longer independent with transfers or ambulation on her 4WF.

PD 8 years, lifelong severe anxiety, autonomic dysfunction resulting in severe hypotensive episodes with postural changes, depression.

CMH (For the purposes of this problem):
6months ago my patient got up from her bed and was walking around to the door when she suffered a 'drop attack' and fell on her L arm/shoulder on a low-lying window ledge. During this episode she fractured her proximal humerus and anteriorly dislocated her shoulder. It was managed conservatively in a sling for 3 weeks and then she reported holding it in to her body to reduce the pain. Unsurprisingly, she found that after a while she was unable to move her left shoulder and is currently seeing me to regain shoulder ROM/strength and function.

Anterior shoulder posture, resting position of L shoulder IR/Adduction, Elbow flexion.

R Shoulder - within normal limits
L Shoulder - Flexion = 20 degrees, Abduction = 15degrees, ER = neutral, extension = 20 degrees.

L shoulder - Flexion = 70 degrees // pain/tightness triceps
- Abduction = 80 degrees // pain/tightness pect. minor + biceps LH
- Ext. Rotation = +10degrees // pain tightness pec minor.

This patient also has quite significant tone in her upper limbs - particularly proximal musculature, which is exacerbated by her anxiety.

I have been trying a number of treatment methods, but none seem to be effectively managing this problem. I have used:
- STM of pec minor/biceps/triceps prior to treatment
- Sustained hold focusing on getting the patient to let go of UL musculature.
- PNF work based on reciprocal inhibition and hold/relax techniques.
- Individual exercise programme including pulley work and self assisted flexion exercises as well as scapular retraction and postural work.
- Encouraged constraint induced principles - using L arm as much as possible.

I have been seeing her for 4 weeks and so far nothing seems to be having much of an impact. Was wondering whether anyone else has encountered such a problem and what they have found has made a difference.


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