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  1. #1

    Knee osteoarthritis

    Hi I have a 75year old patient who has been diagnosed with osteo artritis of the knee.She has been Immobile for 2years now because of the pain.The right knee only flexes till 20 degrees and herleft till 70.As of right now i am giving her mobility exercises but they are not making much difference.IF anyone as any suggestions on how to reduce the pain and increase her range pls reply.

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    Re: Knee osteoarthritis

    Have you tried a Bionicare unit yet? Don't know if it is available in Europe yet, but it just got it's FDA and Medicare approvals in the US. It started as an attempt to stimulate bone, but research found that changing waveforms could stimulate hyaline cartilage. The unit uses a low-level electric field to generate a negative charge in the knee joint, identical to the charge present in a healthy knee. Cartilage is aneural and avascular, so the chondrocytes rely on a neg charge to trigger regeneration. The cartilage doesn't know or care where the field comes from. Bottom line is that the unit has impeccable science behind it from Johns-Hopkins and is being prescribed by many of the top knee doctors in the US. The clinical results are impressive in restoring function and reducing pain. It takes a motivated patient becuase therapy is 6-8 hrs / day for several months. It took years to create the problem, it takes months to restore it. This is not for the patient who is waiting for a cure in a pill or a magic wand.

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    Re: Knee osteoarthritis

    hi u hav not given detailed assesment result.ok then,u say her flexion is restricted.Is it fexion r flexion to extnsion.Becoz in o.a knee mostly in chronic patient like urs develop FFD(fixed flexion deformity)i.e extnsion will be affected. u say the reverse.
    Regarding Rx go for waxbath/ IFT,short arc knee exs.try this out

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    Re: Knee osteoarthritis

    Physiotherapy helps to heal injury, illness, or disability. It helps to restore movement and function in muscle tissue or joint area. Physiotherapy helps to prevent further damage in the affected area. Treatment should be done to support and manage good health and prevent disease. You can do physiotherapy treatment at home at any time and anywhere with a natural approach without any side effects with the help of an Ultracare Pro device which is tested and approved by a physiotherapist. To know more:- https://ultracarepro.in/product/tens-machine/

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