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hi all
need help with a 13year old girl with cp spastic diplegia. I have not had much experience with cp, neuro etc.
My patient has had great access to healthcare. She has had P.T, O.T etc most of her life, so functionally she is doing pretty well. Her HFL is walking independently.
She walks with a rollator at school. During gait cycle she tends to scissor with her left lower limb. Poor dissociation with trunk and lower extremities. Most of her weight bearing is through her Right lower limb. Unable to actively dorsiflex left foot.
She walks on her toes with left lower limb.
I have been working on trunk control with ball activities. Tons of stretches (increase tone-left hamstrings), activities in standing to promote weightbearing through the left L.L.
I have run out of treatment ideas. She has had therapy all her life and gets quite bored.
I know treatment would have to address her problems. I have tried but am running out of ideas.. please help.