I recently fractured my fibula and ruptured the AFTL and the syndesmosis. I went to hospital on the day that i was injured (15th of November) and was told to return on the 17th, on that day i was diagnosed with a weber c3 ankle fracture had surgery to fix a syndesmosis screw through the tibia and fibula and a plate fixed onto the break. After the ORIF surgery i was put into a back slab cast on the 17th untill the 1st of December.. I have since been since been in a non weight bearing cast. I was firstly wondering what the long term ramifications would be if any and also how soon would i be fit to play rugby(the doctors seem to stray away from answering this question when asked). Also would a patient normally be put into another cast after having the non weight bearing cast removed or would they be given some sort of support brace. Finally how long is a patient typically on crutches for after sustaining a pretty severe ligament damage injury such as mine. thanks very much.

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