Hello, I`m looking for studies concerning traction and mobilization of the hip, are there any at all?
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Hello, I`m looking for studies concerning traction and mobilization of the hip, are there any at all?
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Hip traction can be used during hip dislocation whether it is a normal hip or a total hip replacement, it is used as well during fractures in adults and children.
If you ar talking about manual therapy, you can use maitland as hip mobilisation; however , i found some times very difficult to mobilise a hip specially grade III or IV. Therefore i tend to use mechanical hip traccion, the patient is in supine position, use a belt on the ankles (for the traction)with the other lower limb in flexion in order to protect the lower back. The leg can be in neutral, internal or external rotiaton (according what you want to achieve)The time and weight depends on the pathology, pain, patient compliance with the treatment. If the patient improves with 2 or 3 tratment i progress the time and weight otherwise i stop this modality. don't forget that exercises are very important.(strengthening and stretches).
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You might want to check out medrock.com
there are references and a research summary. There are home hip traction devices for the treatment of hip OA and FAI. There will also be clinic mechanical traction hip appendages so that you can connect legs to simulate long axis traction prior to manual therapy or exercise.