The STORK test or standingSIJ test with hip flexion or torso flexion has been a standard for decades. Does it give false positives???
Try this and give me your feedback after you have tried the two back to back:
Step 1: Do the STANDARD standing SIJ test or Stork test of the PSIS to sacrum landmarks with hip flexion and torso flexion.
STEP 2: Do a standing test of the PSIS to sacrum landmarks with hip ABD to 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm, 100 cm., etc to the ability of the patient to comply. (This test is essentially the same as the "stork" test, but the patient does hip ABD instead of flexion.)
Note if the PSIS moves superior and lateral to the sacrum in the second test after it appeared to be "stuck" in the standard test.
What are your results??? My results were that the PSIS moves superior and lateral to the sacrum in virtually every case.
What significance do you see in your results or does it matter???
Best regards,
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