There are still a few places left for Dean's headache workshops in Surrey, Wales and East London.
Dean Watson is a controversial Physio from Adelaide, Australia who has been exclusively treating headache in his private practice for over 12 years.
Controversial because you'd be hard pressed to find a GP or Neurologist who will give creedence to Dean's revelation of the incidence of cervicogenic headache.
It seems it goes against traditional medical theory. But ask those GPs and neurologists with chronic headache themselves who have been treated by Dean. You'll get a different view.
Dean is planning to come back to the UK a lot more over the next few years. But these will be his last dates in the UK for almost 12 months.
Contact Tanya or Sally at Locum Group CPD Training on 0800 068 1114 for further information.
Bernard Morrison
Locum Group
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