Hi - hope someone can advise me.

I've been suffereing from minor back pain mainly when sitting at my desk at work for about the past 2 years. It never really bothered me until the the beginning of the year when my father passed away and my back became very sore. I attributed this to stress and hoped things would return to normal.

However things havent improved and I got an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI done last week and it was found that I have Wikipedia reference-linkdegenerative disc disease in L4/L5. There is a left sideded posterior annular tear in the same disc. The other lumber discs seem to be normal.

Basically I'm wondering if this could have been the result of a trauma in the past. I hurt my back about 5 years ago, putting rubble into a skip using a wheelbarrow. Basicallly I got stuck half way up the plank and had to set my foot down on the ground to steady myself- I'm guessing I must have twisted myself as when I next bent over, my back 'went' and I was in considerable pain. The back did seem to heal in a week with no further pain for several years.

I would very much like to hear from anyone who could advise me. I've always been an active person, I did weight training for years also which may not have helped my back much either. I am now worried about doing anything physical in case I hurt my back more and to be honest rather frightened for what the future holds for me.
