Hi everyone. I'm new to the forum and would like a bit of advice really.
I had a lot of lower limb problems when I was growing up - 6 weeks in traction with "irritable hip" and 2 separate hospital admissions for leg cramps
In 1999 at the age of 17 I was playing cricket when I slipped down an indent in the grass, my right leg straightened abruptly and part of my knee joint "broke off". This floated around for a week or so then the loose body went into my knee joint and locked it. I was listed for an arthroscopy +/- loose body removal and had an inch long bit of bone removed from the joint. I was told at the time that the gap would fill in with cartlidge but should expect early signs of athritis around the age of 30.
I was under physio twice a week for a month building up the quads etc and again around 2003 (4 years later) when problems resurfaced and muscles needed work again.
I have been relatively pain free for the last 7 years, apart from the odd ache on over-use and morning stiffness in winter..... however I've not really played major sport since although I do enjoy walking and walk nearly 2 and a half miles a day home from work. I had repeat X-ray in 2009 after 4 weeks of dull pain in the knee joint but it was NAD.
However, at the back end of July at a youth football tournament, I ran over some uneven gravel and "jarred" my knee when coming to a stop. It hasn't been the same since. There has been a dull ache at the front left of the knee (where the biggest arthroscopy scar is and where I'm told the bone was removed from) and it is seemingly more unstable, painful and often gives me shooting pains up the limb.
This week I have also developed cramps in my right calf (the same leg) which has restricted proper use of the limb.
The pain seems to be worse when I've moved from sitting to standing and vice versa. The knee also aches when I've been using stairs or going up/down even the slightest slope.
I am asthmatic, so I'm reluctant to persist with NSAIDS despite having no real reaction to them, and I do use Deep heat and a knee support when I'm out with the football team training/matches (Under 15s are quite active)
I'd appreciate any advice regarding treatment or management as I'm now 28 nearing the magic 30 first outlined to me) and it's starting to get me down.
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