Hi all
I would like to know about some good references for taping techniques-indications,method and the like.
thanks in advance
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Hi all
I would like to know about some good references for taping techniques-indications,method and the like.
thanks in advance
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thnx sdkashif ..really i was in need for those good links
Theres some great video of taping techniques at the Australian Elastoplast website:
Elastoplast Videos
These clips seem to be part of a DVD but I couldnt find any links to one.
Does anyone know if this is available to buy & if they ship outside Australia?
Thanks in advance.
dear rinnin,
I took the trouble of looking up the site and the first video I watched... I was a little shocked!
The ankle tape start by placing the rigid tape around the ankle a few times!!!!!!!!
That is a violation of everything I have been taught! Never completely circle the extremity!
and then they go on and tiny pleats are formed under the heel......... oh dear
I suggest that IF you want to learn how to tape, go to a professional, who is not linked to any firm or tape supplier and learn how to tape yourself.
do not try learning to tape from some videos...
good luck
esther de ru
Thanks esther,
Since we never did taping in Uni thought this might be helpful.
I'm surprise a big company like that with chartered physios are demonstrating the wrong techniques.
I'll erase everything I saw from memory.
Physiotherapy is an effective form of treatment for a wide range of conditions. It can also help speed recovery after many different types of surgery. Physiotherapists are trained in a range of specialist areas such as paediatrics, sports medicine or women’s health.Musculoskeletal - to treat muscles, bones and joints (also called orthopaedic physiotherapy). Common conditions treated include back pain, sprains, strains, arthritis, bursitis, workplace and sports injuries,problems with posture, incontinence and reduced mobility. Rehabilitation after surgery is also offered.Cardiothoracic - to treat disorders of the cardio-respiratory system including asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and to offer rehabilitation after thoracic surgery.Neurological - to treat disorders of the nervous system including acquired head injuries, stroke, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease andmultiple sclerosis, and to offer rehabilitation after brain surgery.
Link Building
Hmm.. taping, interesting. Very useful technique, very important to use objective outcomes,
What do others use to justify inclusion of taping? ie. outcome measures, indications, contra
dear everybody
Regarding Kinesiotaping or Medical Taping Concept.
Both originate in Japan. Different to the regular non elastic tape used in sports.
For lots of information on the tape, background, indications, further reading and books go to:
Kinesio Taping | Tex Tape | Most Recommended Therapeutic Taping For Stability | Comfort site
On YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. various tape applications can be seen, just search for kinesiotaping or medical taping concepts.
kind regards
Last edited by physiobob; 23-11-2008 at 04:35 PM.
Hi pal, this is john pressley , orthopaedic physiotherapist from INDIA. its quite simple ............go to google and type taping for jumpers knee..... taping for .....etc.......this is quite useful . for further references here r some......
1. Callaghan M J 1997 patellar taping, the theory versus the evidence : a review . Physical therapy reviews 2:181-183.
2. Crossley K, Cowan SM, Bennell K L, Mc Connell J 2000 patellar taping : is clinical success supported by scientific evidence? Manual therapy 5(3) : 142-145.
3. Cushnaghan J, McCarthy C, Dieppe P 1995 Taping the patella medially : a new treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee . BMJ 308: 753-755.
4. Callaghan M J, Selfe J, Bagley P, Oldham JA 2002 .The effect of patellar taping on knee joint proprioception . Journal of Athletic training 37(1): 19-24.
5. Herrington L, Payton C J 1997 Effects of corrective taping
Of the patella on patients with patellofemoral pain .
Physiotherapy 83(11) : 566-572.
6 Powers C M, Landel R, Sosnick T et al 1997. The effects of
Patellar taping on stride characteristics and joint motion in subjects with patellofemoral pain . Journal of Orthopaedics and sports physical therapy 26(6): 286-291.
I think this information is enough for u.........for any personal request also u can contact my email [email protected]